SMS Landing Pages improve retail conversions on mobile by 30%

Topic: Retail

SMS and Email are the stalwarts for digital marketing communications in the retail sector – but both have limitations. SMS Landing Pages bring the best of both together. Here’s why they work.

SMS and Email have been holding the fort admirably for digital marketing communications in the retail sector for quite some time now.
Both can help to lower communication costs, and have measurable open rates (SMS at 95% and Email at 19.36%) unlike traditional retail marketing channels like print, TV and radio. However, both have limitations in the retail marketing space. 
SMS, although highly effective at cutting through the ‘noise’, is limited to plain text, which doesn’t lend itself to the growing customer appetite for more visual, interactive content. And audiences, particularly younger people, are numb to email marketing thanks to years of being spammed.
Customers want brands to be innovative – 90% of UK consumers want to engage with brands that blaze a trial with new ideas (source) – and this where SMS Landing Pages come into play.

What is an SMS Landing Page?

An SMS Landing Page is a web page designed exclusively for use on a mobile device, delivered to customers by sending an SMS text message with an integrated link. They can include images, text and call to action buttons which makes them of particular interest to retailers looking to advertise in a new and inventive way.

How can retailers use SMS Landing Pages?

Forward-thinking retailers can stay one step ahead of the competition, reduce their marketing spend, and increase sales performance by sending promotions and offers straight to consumers’ pockets via their mobile device.
SMS Landing Pages provide the visually rich, branded environment you’d expect to see on a conventional web page, while at the same time offering a more streamlined, goal-orientated experience.

Uses of SMS Landing Pages in the retail sector include:

  • Delivery of marketing and promotions
  • Link to secure payment portals
  • Supply digital receipts
  • Delivery updates and confirmations.

Do SMS Landing Pages work in the retail arena?

Retail marketers are often forward-thinking and innovative, so it’s not a surprise to us that the early adopters of this service have been in retail. One such retailer has even seen a 30% increase in conversions since they adopted the platform. Read about it here.

What are the next steps?

We’ve worked with a variety of different retailers to provide more engaging ways for retailers to promote products and services, and offer all customers advice and best practice tips to get the best out of your campaigns.

Try SMS Landing Pages out for free to see how quickly you could add this powerful channel to your marketing plans – or email our team at [email protected] if you’d like to organise a demo.

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