Enhancing the candidate experience with digitised recruitment processes

Topic: Recruitment
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Esendex’s Messaging Studio provides a robust solution for recruiters wanting to effectively manage the digitisation of processes, while maintaining the best possible candidate experience in the new normal.

Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of evidence to support the notion that remote working has become the new norm. The Office for National Statistics recently reported that when compared to pre-lockdown, an additional 44% of the UK workforce is now working from home and companies such as Twitter, have announced that their staff can work remotely, full-time, forever. This has led many to question whether this spells the beginning of the end for the office and what impact this will have on recruitment efforts. 

Well, in the short term at least, recruiters will need to implement and rely on digitised processes. But this does raise concerns around the potential effect this may have on the candidate experience. Afterall, reduced in-person interactions, arguably make it more difficult for recruiters to build a relationship with candidates and manage their onboarding experience, and for candidates to build a relationship with a potential employer. 

Below we’ve collated some considerations for recruiters wanting to ensure the best possible candidate experience in the new normal, along with some tools to help further digitise processes. 

Enhance candidates mobile experience

Even prior to the pandemic, 73% of job seekers said they preferred to receive targeted job opportunities via text, and 89% reported that they believe mobile devices play a critical role in the job search process.

Not only has the pandemic increased user smartphone usage, but in a bid to continue providing great service levels during government restrictions and national lockdowns, many businesses have had to implement increasingly digitised processes. Given that there are many digital tools which can help businesses automate tasks, alleviate admin and provide an all round better and more consistent experience for candidates, it is a trend we expect will continue to gain momentum into 2021.

For instance, with Esendex’s Messaging Studio, businesses are able to send candidates personalised job opportunities, direct to a recipient’s mobile thus benefiting from an open rate of 95% and 90% of all messages being read within 3 minutes. From there, businesses can choose to include a number of different and traceable calls to action, such as ‘Request more information’ and ‘See business location’. To see just how powerful this tool can be, simply view our short 2 minute video below, where our experienced team member Alex Mills explains each step.

Communicate change to candidates

During lockdown, many recruiters have had to make substantial changes to existing processes, and it’s vital that these are plainly communicated to candidates so they know what to expect at each stage. Digitising onboarding processes will only be successful if the instructions and communications around these changes are effective. 

What’s more, candidates will likely have questions regarding potential recruitment changes, for instance, best practice tips for preparing for a video interview. So it makes sense to update FAQ pages and perhaps even introduce a Coronavirus Hub to ensure candidates can always access renewed, relevant information. 

Prepare employees

In order for recruiters to effectively support candidates, they too need to be kept up-to-date on any changes to policies or processes. For instance, many companies are currently conducting phone interviews prior to video interviews. So employees need to be able to communicate differences to the more traditional recruitment process, along with any subsequent changes and their rationale, with confidence to candidates. 

Furthermore, as things are continually evolving post pandemic, it’s important businesses promote unified communications which not only provide clarity, but are also consistent. By ensuring messaging is consistent across the website, email, SMS and any other touch points candidates may use to interact with your business, you can provide a more coherent experience. 

Boost available support 

Effective communication has always been essential to the candidate experience, but as individuals may be feeling both financially and health anxious in the current climate, being proactive with candidate communication is vital. For example, scheduling encouraging messages before an interview could all go a long way to building a candidate’s confidence. This is especially important considering the articles recently published around candidates ‘not knowing their worth’. What’s more, proactively communicating tips on how to structure a CV and cover letters, could help businesses better manage the candidate experience, even if they experience an influx of candidates.

Ultimately, the pandemic has posed a serious threat to employment rates. But as lockdown restrictions continue to ease and businesses enter recovery, many have reengaged their recruiting efforts. So, for recruiters who are able to adopt a more digitised approach, without compromising on the candidate experience, this can be a great opportunity.

To see how Esendex could help your business improve efficiency while continuing to enhance the candidate experience, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced team at [email protected] or call 0345 356 5758.

Learn more about SMS Solutions for Recruitment Agencies.

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The team at Esendex comprises tech experts and experienced marketers who thrive on sharing their know-how, to support prospects and customers to identify the right mobile messaging solutions for their business.