Mobile landing pages 101: Everything you need to know

Topic: Mobile Journeys, Product

A mobile journey is a web and mobile optimised customer journey, designed with a specific goal in mind. In this blog we’ll explore how you can use mobile landing pages to boost conversion rates with a hyper targeted experience that guides customers to complete a specific action. 

A mobile landing page is a web page meant for mobile browsers. They typically have one call-to-action and the navigation is simple to guide users towards clicking on it. A mobile journey is a series of mobile landing pages designed to take users on a journey towards a particular goal/call-to-action.

In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into mobile journeys and landing pages, from benefits and use cases to best practices and tips for success.

What challenges can a mobile journey help resolve?

A mobile journey is effectively a micro site with a clear goal and features a predefined set of steps that will guide the customer to your intended end goal. Some examples of goals include:

  • Take a payment
  • Set up a payment plan
  • Collect survey data/feedback

Directing customers to a specific call-to-action is challenging enough but getting them to actually engage adds a new layer of complexity. With a mobile journey, you can remove all of the things that may distract a customer from completing the desired action (e.g. make a payment), such as products, imagery and links to recommended content. 

A mobile journey guides customers towards completing an action in the shortest time.

What are the benefits of a mobile journey?

Due to the focused nature of a mobile journey, businesses will often see higher engagement and return on investment than alternative communication channels such as SMS or email. Here’s why…

  • Fewer on-page distractions so customers are more likely to complete the desired action.
  • Better user experience – with fewer touchpoints (such as buttons, links etc), customers can do what they need to do quickly.
  • Branded experience – the micro site can be branded as per business requirements, which contributes to a better, more consistent experience for the end customer.
  • More interactive especially if you use a rich messaging channel like WhatsApp or RCS to send the initial message. Boost interactivity even further if you use QR codes.
  • Wide reach, thanks to channels like SMS and WhatsApp (with their 99% open rate). Customers are sent a text or WhatsApp message with the link to the mobile journey. Not only can you send in bulk and automate the process but reach will be far higher than is possible with a contact centre team making outbound calls.

Ultimately, it’s all about the overall customer experience. You want to get the customer to the end but in a way that ensures the customer has no barriers to the transaction. 

For example, when you go to make a payment, factors like slow page loading time and having to scroll through multiple pages to get to the end can be off putting. Mobile journeys get customers to the end quickly but also in a way that feels engaging. 

The power of automation

Another benefit of mobile journeys is that they can be automated. Apart from the initial setup (they can be quick and easy to deploy, especially if you work with an experienced communications partner), there is little need for human intervention when it comes to managing the process.

There’s no need to wait in a queue, the user journey is more straightforward and the user experience is more seamless. So, customers are less likely to reach out to customer support. This gives customer support agents time to focus on more complex customer queries or projects.

How can you get the most out of your mobile journey?

A mobile journey drives traffic via various communications channels (e.g. SMS, WhatsApp, email etc). The idea is to reach the customer where they already are.

Here are some of the top ways mobile journeys can be used:

  • Collecting payments and setting up payment plans – a targeted, branded experience where customers are less likely to get distracted and leave the journey before completing it.
  • Appointment confirmations and reminders – in addition to a text reminder where patients are required to respond with Y or N, you can send a link to a portal where they can rearrange appointments. And the new dates/times can be automatically sent to the healthcare provider.
  • Gathering survey responses – surveys sent via text message are more engaging than a form. However, they can easily lead to millions of SMS messages being sent. A mobile journey can drastically reduce the number of texts sent and boost response rate.
  • Advice – from medication reminders and healthcare advice to tips on how to manage your finances, this use case is unique as it’s not transactional, nor does it require something from the customer. It’s a value-add service which can help you improve customer relationships.
  • Promotions – allow customers to download discount codes and access various products. Not only is it a great way to promote your products/services but you can also use QR codes to improve reach and enhance the accessibility of the product.

Mobile journeys: A better way to drive engagement and action?

A mobile journey is a web and mobile optimised customer journey, designed with a specific goal in mind. As long as that goal is clear to the customer, you can deliver a hyper targeted experience that guides customers to complete a specific action. 

Want to learn more about mobile journeys and what they can do for your business? We dive deeper into this topic in our webinar, Mobile Journeys Unleashed. Watch the session via the button below.

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Laura Brown

I am a self confessed marketing geek, with a love of well orchestrated multi-channel campaigns; especially those that end with an SMS delivery notification and a parcel at the door! With a tech marketing background I'm interested in all aspects of digital marketing, marketing automation and customer experience, and have worked with customers across the software, finance and retail industries. Find me over on LinkedIn at: