SMS marketing services

Build automated, personalised and scalable SMS marketing campaigns with ease

SMS marketing with Esendex offers a powerful and direct way to connect with customers, promote your products, and drive sales. Discover how our SMS solutions can improve your marketing outcomes.

Create customer-first and personalised connections with SMS

With Esendex’s SMS marketing services, you can create customer-first connections and campaigns through personalised messaging on channels with the highest open and engagement rates.

Our SMS marketing platform and API enables marketers to deliver tailored content to the right customer at the right time, driving retention, loyalty, and repeat purchases. Build automated customer journeys that scale effortlessly.

High open rates

With SMS, your message is delivered directly to your customers’ mobile devices, ensuring immediate engagement. SMS boasts open rates of up to 98%, making it one of the most effective channels for reaching your audience.

Easy integration

Our platform seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM and marketing tools, allowing for smooth and efficient campaign management. Automate your SMS campaigns and streamline your workflow with ease.

Make it personal

Grow customer loyalty, and encourage first time buyers to purchase. Personalise offers, promotions, and updates based on customer preferences and behaviour, to enhance their experience and boost your conversion rates.

Form connections

From surveys and polls to exclusive offers and rewards, SMS allows you to engage with your customers in real time, fostering a deeper connection with your brand, while you gain valuable customer insights to improve your next campaign.

Send personalised messages in bulk

Personalised SMS is just as it sounds – a text message containing key customer information, such as a person’s name, location or order number.

Used as part of your bulk SMS marketing activities, it offers a simple and scalable way to connect with customers on a more familiar level.

Gather valuable customer feedback

One of the most important parts of running a business is ensuring that your customers feel heard, are satisfied with the level of service and care you provide, and are kept up-to-date with product and order information.

Running regular SMS surveys are a great way to receive feedback and get to the heart of what your customers actually want.

sms example with a vip discount code

Boost loyalty with offers and discounts

With an average open rate of 98%, a text message is 4 times more likely to be opened than an email. This creates a fantastic opportunity to connect with your customers on a personal level. 

Sending marketing and promotional SMS can be a great way to reward loyal customers, while encouraging potential customers to make that all important first purchase.

Automate SMS to drive action and engagement

SMS automation allows you to automatically send out text messages to particular customers, or customer segments, at a specific time. It’s a fast and effective way of driving action using a number of triggers – for example, asking for feedback immediately after a support call, or confirming a booking or appointment that has been completed online.

Customer success stories

Using SMS landing pages to drive individual customer engagement