Spring: the season for retail [infographic]

Topic: Retail

As we welcome the warmer weather, we also arrive at the peak season for impulse purchases, bargain hunters and outdoor adventurers.

According to the Office for National Statistics, last year British consumers spent an average of £1 billion online every single day. Whether you’re a standalone store on the high street or an ecommerce website, preparing ahead for the year’s big retail dates will help you secure sales and stay ahead of the competition.

Bank holiday bonusTake advantage of the spring shopper

A late Easter this year means that a number of bank holidays occur within just a few weeks of each other. Not only are the holidays a keen time for shoppers to hit the high street but online retailers can often expect a 25% increase in sales the day after as shoppers try and lift their post-holiday blues.

Are you missing out if you don’t have an app?

While 84% of shoppers are using their smartphone for retail shopping purposes, over a third of retailers do not want to use a mobile app to communicate with their customers. But there are other solutions to reach mobile shoppers.
Impulse purchases are often prompted by a sales promotion whether it’s qualifying for free delivery or displaying 3 for 2 offers in store.
A simple text message to gently remind your customers of your limited time deals can bring them in-store while they’re out and about.
By including a link to your site, you can send them directly to your sale items where they can browse and purchase at a time convenient for themselves.

Improve email open rates by following up with a text message

During the holiday season promotional content increase by 30% which leads to a flooded inbox: your message can easily be missed.
Prompt your recipients with a simple SMS suggesting that they have another look so they’re not missing out – “We just sent you our best ever offer, it’s waiting for you in your inbox. Take a look now!”.

What if you don’t have your customers’ mobile numbers?

A successful campaign begins by cultivating a mobile subscription list. Offer the chance for your customers to subscribe and join your mobile marketing strategy by enticing them with exclusive offers.
Promote via a subscription form on your website or sign up directly via a shortcode by texting “YOUR SHOP” to 80800.
Any time of the year when consumers have more time to shop should be seen as an opportunity for retailers. Make the right moves and the rewards could be significant. Take a look at our retail marketing white paper – it’s packed full of stats and ideas.

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The team at Esendex comprises tech experts and experienced marketers who thrive on sharing their know-how, to support prospects and customers to identify the right mobile messaging solutions for their business.